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Is Conflict Causing Problems in Your Organisation?

Our Conflict Resolution Programme Can…

  • Reduce Absenteeism – 50% of absenteeism is nothing to do with physical health (IHC research)
  • Reduce Costs – £11.5 billion PA paid in absentee wages / compensating overtime
  • Reduce Employee sickness – average £476 each pa (CBI figures)
  • Reduce Workplace Stress – up to 8 days a year per employee are lost due to stress-related illness (CBI figures)
  • Reduce Bullying – 47% employess have been bullied (Umist survey)
  • Make for more contented and confident employees – 23% of staff feel extreme anger at work
  • Raise standards – by leading to better decision-making

“Conflict is endemic in many organisations. It is often unrecognised and usually unresolved. It occurs between individuals and between departments. Sometimes the structure of the organisation fosters conflict and offers no mechanism for conflict resolution”

Workplace Anger Management Programmes

  • One day introductory seminar for organisations: This covers the basics of Conflict Resolution for organisations and gives a taste of the full programme.
  • 3 day residential programme in the UK.
  • 5 day residential programme in a beautiful converted farm in the Pyrenees near Barcelona.
  • Individual sessions for executives.

GROUP attendance fosters a strong sense of mutual support and togetherness which can transform the workplace environment. Individuals will learn to make decisions through dialogue rather than through conflict. They will be more disposed to co-operate, to be more assertive and less aggressive. They will learn how to confront workplace bullying and grudge-based behavior. INDIVIDUAL sessions are a valuable add-on to the programme, for participants that have identified issues they need to explore further in confidence. They are also a powerful way to provide ongoing reinforcement of the material covered in the groups.

Why is our Programme Different? 

We focus on the Individual AND their role in the group

Individuals are often unable to handle conflict well. They often bring their conflicts to work. They play out their issues on their colleagues and subordinates. Wherever conflict is unresolved there will be noticeable effects on individual performance and the overall health of the organisation. They take criticism personally, they compete in unhealthy ways, they bully and are bullied and harrassed. Rather than dealing with the conflict they often avoid it through absence, stress, grudge-based behaviour, bad decision-making and sabotage.

  • We will teach individuals to stop their angry behaviour in the workplace. They will learn to stop bullying or how to stop being bullied.
  • We uncover the hidden power structures and relationships within the workplace that cause conflict. We expose the culture of blame.
  • We teach how to value different opinions and not take things personally.
  • We teach individuals to express themselves with assertiveness and clarity.
  • We will teach your employees how to banish both extreme aggression and extreme submissiveness. We will show them how to acknowledge their angry behaviour and to manage it effectively.
  • We show them how conflict, expressed appropriately, can contribute to quality improvement

Conflict Resolution is a skill which must learned and practised by individuals within organisations. It is essential to deal with conflict resolution on the individual level because, where structure engenders conflict, individuals enact it.

HSE advice to organisations: “The message is simply prevention – try to remove the reasons why staff may be absent in the first place, not just react to the problem after it has happened. Diagnose specific problems behind stress and conflict.”

Click here to download our complete Workplace Conflict Resolution Presentation
